# DL to apply 24th of August 2016 23:00 CET
Hello Trainers!
Here is the Trainers’ call for YTA 2016. Here below you will find information related to:
– General information about the event
– Expectations towards YTA Trainers
– How to apply
– Selection criterias
– and who you can contact for questions
Let’s go! 🙂
==== General Event Information ====
* What: YTA 2016
* Dates for trainers: Â 23th November – 6th December 2016
* Dates for participants: Â 26th November – 5th December 2016
* Organisation: Zero Generation
* Place: Vilnius, Lithuania
* Working time: 12 working days including pre/post YTA.
* Accommodation and catering will be provided for the whole duration of the event
* Travels costs will be refunded (up to 200 € per Trainer)

YTA 2016, Vilnius, where past and present joins to build the future
==== Expectation towards YTA trainers ====
* Be a Trainer… (Seriously, it did happen in the past!)
* Be example, knowing what it takes as you will be in these situations 😉
* Be a team player.
* Take active part in the online preparations of the event from October on
* Be fully available during the event including pre-YTA ( 2 days – for final preparations) and post-YTA (1 day – for evaluation)
* Set learning goals of YTA sessions and design the event with other trainers.
* Analyse strong NGO TNT points, improvement points and synthesize it within an event schedule.
* Coach your trainees before, during and after the event
* Get involved 120% during the event (deliver, coach, interact with 20 participants max, trainers AND organisers)
* Document properly sessions you will be responsible for and co-delivering (including writing reports)
* Give a hand on logistic as we might be on our own
* … be a model of PMA!
We are looking for 4 additional Trainers.
==== How to apply ====
If you are willing to join us, we are expecting from you:
– Motivation letter (2 pages maximum);
– TNT/TtT experience (if any);
– Design of a creative session based on the document attached here
(In case of several files, please ZIP them in a folder);.
– Review of your trainers’ career
(Date – Session name – Session topic(s) – Duration – Event) ;
– Your availability before and during the event;
– Trainer to refer to for additional information.
When all elements are ready, please send them as attachment in an e-mail to yta@zerogeneration.org  with the topic entitled: [YTA2016] Application: MyTrainerName
Before the 24th August 2016 23:00 CET.
By 1st September, you will receive result about your application result..
==== Selection criteria ====
When selecting, we will take into consideration:
* your motivation,
* availability,
* background,
* your experience,
* attitude as trainer,
* the elements of the session you’ll design,
* inputs about your referrer and NGO,
* the expected match with the other trainers of the team.
… and the subjectivity of the selectors from Zero Generation.
====  Contacts  ====
For any question related to the event, your role or anything else, please send your mail to: yta@zerogeneration.org.
Will you join us?